maanantai 20. heinäkuuta 2015

Pyöräillen halki maan / Cycling across the country

Tässä vaiheessa kesälomaani ohjaan suomenkieliset lukijat Metsäpolkuja-blogini tekstien pariin.

Briefly in English

Cycling across the country

At the very beginning of my summer holiday I had desided to cycle to our summer cottage, to the other side of Finland. Few days earlier my bike was under maintenance, but there was still some problems despite of checked and repaired. The repairman had put only a little air in the tires and the bike was heavier than never before. The air pressure of the tires was easy to repair, but my legs were ready for massage. Unfortunately, that was not all. When I tried to shift gear into another, the pedal striked empty. The day before my cycling trip I went back to the repair shop. The gear problem took a long time to get fixed. However, I was hopeful about the cycling across the country.

The cycling trip was great! The weather in summer might change quick, but I had been preparing myself for rain and sunshine as well. Finnish landscape is something you have to experience for yourself. There are some amazing places to see. Automobile museum and tower in Vehoniemi, brigde over Kostianvirta, Hauho church and museum area in the centrum, Tyrannosaurus Rex in big market place Tuulonen, garden park and museum of Huovila (in Kärkölä), all the rivers, lakes and nature.

There are only a limited number of hours in a day. And my road was long (270 km in three days). I didn't take as many photos as I could. Please, check photos from my blog Metsäpolkuja and have a nice summer.

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